לוגו אתר זמן גליל מערבילוגו אתר זמן גליל מערבי
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Private & Launch Events at the Effendi Hotel in Old Akko

Efendi Boutique Hotel
  • Louis HaTshi'i St, Old Akko

The Efendi Hotel Also Offers

Breakfast at the Effendi Hotel in Old Akko

Breakfast at the Effendi Hotel is an experience influenced by flavors from the Galilee and Akko.

Accommodation at the Effendi Hotel in Old Akko

The Effendi Hotel offers twelve special rooms, exclusive and private, on three separate levels. Each level

Efendi Hotel, Uri Jeremias

Uri Jeremias is an adventurer and chef – self-taught with experience in the kitchen and is best known for his famous restaurant – “Uri Buri”. He is the founder of the Effendi Hotel.

More Info

Western Galilee
Info Center

Old Akko