Yael Netanel from the “Yael Sculpting With Clay” Studio in Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk invites you to a relaxing experience of creating sculpture in her studio.
Yael would like to invite you to come to her studio in Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk,
to sculpt and also:
1. Get your hands dirty — the contact with the clay (earth) is very primal and it connects us to nature. In clay, there are minerals and moisture that have the power to balance, soothe and lighten.
2. Clear your head — when we sculpt, the head is emptied of worries and sinks into action. Sculpting is very meditative and during it, we connect easily and effortlessly to the here and now.
3. Feel your heart — the clay is a great tool to express what is happening inside us. It is attentive, soft, flexible, accommodating, and very forgiving. The creation in our hands can be changed every moment anew and like the soul it can also change shape quickly, thus helping us to observe the inner processes present in us now.
During the next few weeks, Yael is opening the sculpting sessions held in her studio to anyone who wants to come and experience the magic of sculpting. And all this at a nominal cost. The meetings are in small groups and suitable for both men and women.
Meeting Times:
Sunday – 4:30 pm
Monday – 10:30 am
Tuesday – 9 am
Wednesday – 9 am
Thursday – 9 am
For coordination and more details, call Yael