Tel Akko also known as Napoleon’s Hill is located at the entrance to the city and welcomes those entering Acre from the eastern side. It is known as the historic site to which Napoleon Bonaparte had reached and then failed to breach into Akko. From Tel Akko you can get a view of the Old City, the sea and the city walls. Archeological and historical findings teach that Tel Akko was where the city of Akko first stood in ancient times and up to the beginning of the Hellenistic period, the city’s center eventually shifted west to where the Old City of Acre is located today. Some of the findings revealed at Tel Akko teach us that it had, among other things, a Purple-Dye industry producing the color from two types of snails inhabiting the Na’aman River area. Also prevalent was metal production.
Address: Acre’s eastern city entrance
Open to the public at all times