Chateau du Roi Bar

Chateau du Roi

The Bar is closed until further notice.

  • Mi'ilya

Chateau du Roi Bar

We Also Offer

Accommodation at Chateau du Roi

If you want to enjoy atmospheric, quiet accommodation and wake up to a mountainous landscape, this

Chateau du Roi Restaurant – Traditional Italian Cuisine with Galilean Touches

Chef Elian Layousse has about 30 years of experience in Italy, his cuisine is traditional Italian

Chateau du Roi , Salma Assaf

Salma Assaf, a resident of the village of Mi’ilya, an avid antiquities enthusiast, and a graduate of the Department of History, began her life’s work about two decades ago with her late husband, Labib Assaf. Salma says that she always looked out at the ancient walls from her family garden and dreamed of reviving the past.

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